4. MAP/MSP/In Cart Pricing TAB
The TAKKT Foodservices Supplier Connection website is an interactive vendor site. The
application contains Cost Agreements, Item Information, USMCA Information and
Contact Information, and Purchase Order Shipping Information.
Who uses the Supplier Connection website?
The Supplier Connection website will be made available to all Vendors from whom TAKKT Foodservices currently purchases product.
What do I use the Suppler Connection website for?
The Supplier Connection website is used to communicate any changes in a Vendor’s product cost for the up-coming catalog period. Suppliers will be provided the opportunity to lock-in their product cost for a single catalog period. Suppliers can also update Item information,
communicate product deletions,suggest new items for TAKKT Foodservices, update USMCA information and update Contact information.
When do I enter information on the Supplier Connection?
Suppliers will be asked twice a year to update information on the Supplier Connection.
Hubert will send an e-mail alert when the Supplier Connection needs an update. When the Cost Agreement is
locked, no information can be changed, but it can be viewed.
Where do I find the Supplier Connection website?
Please use the following URL:
The Supplier Connection website may also be accessed via the website,
at bottom of web page, under "MORE" see Supplier Connection.
A User ID and Password are needed to enter the site. This is issued by the TAKKT Foodservices Company. If this information is not available, please e-mail or call
your Sourcing Agent to have one issued.
How to Login?
Logging in to the Supplier Connection website is as easy as logging into any other website.
This is the Supplier Connection Login page. Note that the User ID and Password
fields ARE case sensitive, and must include all leading zeros and all zeros after
decimal place in your User ID. The “Forgot User ID OR Password?” link is available to get a password reminder e-mailed
How to change your password
The option to change the password is available anytime from the Profile area. Once you have logged onto the system,
click on the My Profile on the top right to change information or password.
How to ask for a password reminder
If the password is forgotten, click on the "I forgot my password". The system will ask for your User ID or e-mail and then
send you an e-mail containing your password. The e-mail will look similar to this:
Please return to the site and log in using the following information.
User ID: john smith
Password: jane
IMPORTANT: During this operation the password is re-set to a new one. The old password will not work anymore and the new one will be sent to the e-mail.
IMPORTANT: If you fail to login after 10 attempts, the account will be blocked for 20 minutes.
How to print TAKKT Foodservices’s Operational Requirements
At the bottom of the Login page are documents that explain TAKKT Foodservices’s requirements
for all of our valued Suppliers. The documents can be printed by using the print
feature on your browser.
Saving your work
At the bottom of each page is a Save Changes button. The work must be saved before moving on to the next page.The work will not be saved if the current page is navigated away from. It is very important to click on the Save Changes button before moving away from the viewed page.
Enter Key
The enter key does not function as it would in a PC environment. Remember to use the mouse and to click on the buttons.
How do I log out of the Supplier Connection Website?
Just as each user of the Supplier Connection website is required to login, each user is also asked to "logout". Logging out of the website is important because of security and resource management. For security reasons, the user should logout because it is assumed there is still an active connection with the server. For resource management a logout informs the server that the user is done. The server reserves some amount of system resource to support the session. Logging out informs the server that the user is done and those resources can be made available to other users. The system will automatically log the user out after a period of non-use.
How to review the current Item and Contact information
After successfully logging into the system, the user will see the Welcome and Information Message screen. Please review this and mark the “I agree” box to continue. Once the “I agree” box is checked, the window will no longer automatically appear. The screen will be accessible from the Home Page, though, at all times.
Clicking the HELP button on the top right will access this User Manual and also a short Power Point slide presentation which further explains how to use the site.
The Supplier Connection HOME page will then appear.
The Home screen shows the different applications the user may enter. Only the current catalog application ("Next Catalog") is available for
modification. The Archive (at the bottom of the screen) lists past cost agreements. This Archive will be view only.
The Supplier will receive an e-mail (with a due date) notifying them that it is time to review the information. This is when the "Next Catalog" information may be entered and changed.
The notes in red at the top of the screen lists the due date of the current application, how many days are left to complete the updates and that either:
1) TAKKT Foodservices is waiting for the Supplier’s reply or
2) the site is locked by the Sourcing Agent.
If there are negotiations back and forth (electronically) between the Supplier and the Sourcing Agent, those dates will also be listed here.
Under the "Next Catalog" window, select the blue catalog name. The system will bring up the Items tab. This is where the listing of all the five digit active status items TAKKT Foodservices buys from a Supplier is found. Items may also be listed that will appear in TAKKT Foodservices’s next Source Book or Retail catalog.
2. ITEMS Tab (which includes the Cost Agreement)
The Item tab is where the Supplier reviews the prices of their products bought by TAKKT Foodservices currently and (possibly) also items for future purchase. These costs need verification & possible updates for the next catalog period.
A Supplier enters the Supplier Connection website, selects the Items tab and
manages all of their pricing changes on-line, quickly and easily. The information entered by each Supplier then flows through a formal TAKKT Foodservices price review and approval process. If needed, any issues are communicated back to the Supplier in a timely fashion before any final approval is given.
Here, also, is where there is the opportunity to enter the LIST, suggest new products, inform TAKKT Foodservices of items being discontinued (including the appropriate date) and correct part numbers
and descriptions. Please note only LIST should be entered in the LIST column. DO NOT enter TAKKT Foodservices’s cost in the
LIST column.
The Save Changes button must be clicked each time anything is changed on a page and the user would like to log out, move onto the next page of items, move to a different tab, etc..
Search part
The user may search for a particular item by entering the Item Description (partial description acceptable), Vendor part number (column VPN) or the item number in the "Search part" window and then clicking on the arrow.
Information at the top of the page includes the Supplier name and number that TAKKT Foodservices uses to identify the Supplier, the catalog(s) that TAKKT Foodservices is requesting information for and the effective dates for any price changes that may be given.
Also, there may be a note in red if the data is locked by the Sourcing Agent. This notifies the Supplier that the Sourcing Agent is reviewing information that the Supplier has sent to TAKKT Foodservices. During this time, all information on the Supplier Connection is locked and is "view only" accessible by the Supplier.
There is a filter option at the top right of the screen. As negotiations ensue, there will be opportunity to view items using a filter. The tab will default to listing all of the items. Click the down arrow and two more options appear. The view can be changed to:
1) "changed and negotiated items" which are only the items that have been marked negotiated by TAKKT Foodservices
2) "negotiated items" which are only the items that have been marked negotiated by TAKKT Foodservices.
3) "changed items" which are only the items on which there have been current changes.
4) "Items not updated by me" which are only the items on which there have not been current changes.
5) "Items updated by me" which are only the items on which changes have been made by me.
6) "Hubert proprietary items" which are only the items that are TAKKT Foodservices Private Label and marked with "H" before the Item Description.
Negotiating Notes
This is an area for the Supplier and Sourcing Agent to enter notes/comments as negotiations ensue. Click on "New Message" to type a new message. The system will automatically date and time stamp the message. Clicking "[show messages history]" will show all previous messages. Likewise, clicking "[hide messages history]" will hide all previous messages.
New Item Suggestion
If the Supplier has any suggestions for items to be included in TAKKT Foodservices’s assortment, click on the NEW ITEM SUGGESTION button.
Enter the Item Description, Vendor Part Number, Net Cost, LIST, Case Pack, the Date the item will be Available and any Notes in the spaces provided. If the Supplier has an image available it can be attached by using the Browse button
and clicking the “Upload” button. Click "SEND" to send the information to TAKKT Foodservices. Then Click "BACK TO LIST" which will bring the user back to the list of all items. If the Supplier is not linking images and needs to mail information, the address information is listed at the bottom of the screen.
Column headings on listing of items
Percent/dollar increases or decreases can be entered for more than one item but the column on the far left, the "Select" box must first be marked by each of the individual items to note what items to affect. By selecting multiple items you have the ability to perform "Group Editing".
Group Editing
Change a group of selected items by checking the box in the "Select" column or choosing one of the "Quick Select" options. Choose from drop down boxes to "Decrease" or "Increase" the "Net US$ Future Cost" and "LIST" "by %" or "by $" then entering an amount in the empty box. Click "APPLY & SAVE".
Discontinue a group of selected items by checking the box in the "Select" column or choosing one of the "Quick Select" options. Choose from a drop down box to "Discontinue" or "Undo discontinue". Enter the date when you anticipate that inventory will no longer be available by choosing "Next Catalog (preferred)" or "Other". When choosing "Other" enter or select date from the calendar. Click "APPLY & SAVE".
The number of items selected will be displayed at the top of the Group Editing box. Clicking "Clear All selected" or "Clear All selected on this page" will clear the selected items and close the "Group Editing".
Items marked as "Negotiated" denote the Sourcing Agent would like to discuss the current changes. This field is a view only field from the Supplier side.
Item Description
The user may click on the column heading "Item Description" to automatically sort the item listing by Item Description alphabetically. Clicking on the actual Item Description from the main Item Tab gives the opportunity to edit the specific item information individually. Here also, is the recent negotiation history for the item (at the bottom of the screen).
Please enter any correction to the UPC in the field available.
VPN : The Supplier’s part number for the item
This field is view only. The Supplier should review the accuracy of the VPN.
VPN Corrections
Please enter the correct number in this window.
VPN Corrections Reason
Please enter comments in this window on what is incorrect about the VPN. IE: Does TAKKT Foodservices have the wrong number? Did the Supplier change the number but the item remained the same? Did the item change and thus the item number changed?
This is what TAKKT Foodservices uses in their system to describe the item. This field is view only.
Description Changes
Please enter changes to the description in this window.
Description Changes Reason
Please enter comments in this window on what is incorrect about the description. IE: Does TAKKT Foodservices have the wrong description? What is your suggested change?
Catalog presentation
Clicking on this LINK will bring the user to the actual item’s presentation in TAKKT Foodservices’s current catalog (from the website The Supplier should review TAKKT Foodservices’s catalog copy and picture for accuracy and note any corrections in the Catalog PRESENTATION Comments window.
LIST (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)
The Supplier may choose to enter the suggested retail for the item.
US$ Future Net Cost
The Supplier may choose to change US$ Future Net Cost individually here.
There is a Discontinue box at the bottom left of the screen. TAKKT Foodservices asks that the Supplier enter the date the item will no longer be available to ship. When Discontinue is clicked once, a calendar will appear for the Supplier to choose what date the item will no longer be available to ship. The "DISCONTINUE button must then be clicked. A warning pop-up will appear asking “Are you sure you want to discontinue this item? Clicking "OK" will return you to the "ITEMS" page. Items will appear in pale red if the Supplier marks them as discontinued. Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the current view.
Click SUBMIT when finished with the Edit Item detail screen. You will then be returned to the “ITEMS: page.
Continuation of Column headings on listing of items
This is a view only field and is the current part number from the Supplier that TAKKT Foodservices has in their system for the item. The user may click on the column heading "VPN" to automatically sort the item listing by VPN.
Hubert #
This is a view only field and is the five digit number that TAKKT Foodservices uses to identify the item in their system and catalog. The user may click on the column heading "Hubert #" to automatically sort the item listing by Item #.
UPC codes are requested, but not required. If you have a GTIN UPC code, which is a numeric field of 8,12,13, or 14 numbers that are assigned by the
manufacturer, please enter then number in the field provided.
The LIST is an optional field that was recently added to the TAKKT Foodservices system. If applicable, the Supplier should complete the information here to help TAKKT Foodservices remain competitive in the market place. If an
LIST is added or changed (and saved), the actual from-to change can be viewed by "rolling over" field.
MAP Price - Minimum Advertised Price
There is a check box at the top of the page - you must check Yes or No to indicate if you have MAP.
If you check Yes, please provide TAKKT Foodservices with a copy of your MAP Policy.
If you check No the field cannot be accessed.
It is mandatory to enter a MAP price if one exists.
Current MAP Price
This is a View Only field, and will display the current MAP Price entered by the Supplier during the previous update for publication in the current TAKKT Foodservices Catalog.
Future MAP Price
The Future MAP price field will display the same MAP price as the Current MAP field, so that if you do not have changes, the system will maintain those same MAP prices going forward. If the MAP is changing, please use this field to record any updates. You can use the Group Editing box in the lower left corner of the page to do this if a simple multiplier exists.
US$ Current Net Cost
This is a view only field and is the current net cost that TAKKT Foodservices has in their system for the item.
Unit of Measure
This is a view only field and is the current purchase unit of measure from
the Supplier that TAKKT Foodservices has in their system for the item.
You must enter the cost that corresponds to the unit of measure listed.
You cannot change the unit of measure or enter the case price if the unit is entered as an each.
US$ Future Net Cost
Hubert requests the Suppliers supply the Net Cost for the products listed. Cost can be changed by individually entering a new cost in the box, applying a percent either to a specific part number(s) by checking the "Select" box or using the bottom left window to affect all items on the viewing page or all the items on all pages with one percent. If a Net Cost is changed and saved, the actual from-to change can be viewed by "rolling over" the field.
% Change
The % Change column will display the percent change of that item’s cost. The total average % change of the viewing page is listed at the bottom of each page. This is a view only field and will only calculate after a new cost is entered and SAVE CHANGES (or Apply & Save) is clicked. The user may click on the column heading "% Change" to automatically sort the item listing by the % Change.
If there are no cost changes for the time period, click the NO COST CHANGES box and then click the green SAVE CHANGES.
Print this page and Print all
The user may click either of these functions to display & print the item list; either by page or all the items.
Price File Transfer
The user may click on Price File Transfer (located at the bottom of the screen on
the ITEMS tab). This feature allows the user to download items and current costs
from the Supplier Connection to an Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can then
be used to enter LIST price and US$ Future Net Cost. It may be handy if the user has a
large list of items because the spreadsheet can be uploaded back into the Supplier
There may be the potential that this file could be used to upload pricing into the
user’s own system.

The user should change only the UPC,MAP,LIST and US$ Future
Net Cost on the spreadsheet. Vendor part number changes, discontinuing items; updating
contact information, etc. must be done directly in Supplier Connection.
with Price File Transfer
Click on Price File Transfer located at the bottom of the
screen on the Items tab. Click the DOWNLOAD button to create the spreadsheet. Once
the spreadsheet is created the user can click “Open” to enter new UPC,MAP,LIST and US$ Future
Net Cost. If the user intends to upload the data back into the Supplier Connection,
the format of the spreadsheet must not be changed. All columns must remain in the
same order which is vendor part number, UPC, MAP and manufacturing list price , and net
cost (US$ Future Net Cost). If the formatting or order of columns is changed the
upload process will not work correctly. The user must type over the existing prices.
The file may then be saved as an .xls file to the users own hard drive.
Upload with Price File Transfer
Click on Price File Transfer located at the bottom of the screen on the Items tab.
Click the “Browse” button to locate the Excel file on the user’s hard drive. This
must be an .xls file. Click
the UPLOAD button. The values on the Supplier Connection for US$ Future Net Cost
and UPC, LIST, MAP will be replaced with the values entered on the spreadsheet. If the vendor
part number does not match any of the items loaded in the Supplier Connection, or
if either of the price fields contains non-numeric data, then that line of the spreadsheet
will be ignored. A list of items that were ignored and the reason for rejection
will be made available after the upload is complete. The list (if any) will appear
on the Price File Transfer screen. The user will have the option of either making
further changes on the Supplier Connection, or correcting the spreadsheet on their
system and uploading again. Click the BACK TO LIST button and review the information
to ensure everything uploaded correctly.
Items per page
Each page lists 10 items. The user may change the “items per page” by using the drop down box. The user may
move from page to page by clicking on the actual page number or clicking “next”
or “previous”. There is also a “first” and “last” page button; to get to the first and last pages.
Key at bottom of Items page
A blue “H” that appears by an item denotes the item as a TAKKT Foodservices proprietary item. TAKKT Foodservices proprietary items are heavily advertised in our catalog(s) and watched closely to ensure competitive pricing. Fields outlined
in light blue signify information that the user is currently entering/changing;
that have pending changes. These are defined as “My current changes in progress”.
Fields outlined in orange signify fields that have been changed by the Sourcing
Agent, since the most recent communication. These items are the most recently changed
from the current negotiation process & are defined as “Their proposed changes”.
Lines outlined in light red signify items marked as discontinued items.
Save Changes
The Save Changes button must be clicked each time anything
is changed on a page and the user would like to log out, move onto the next page
of items, move to a different tab, etc..
When the ITEM tab is completely finished, first save any changes by clicking the "SAVE CHANGES" button and then check the "Done with ITEMS Tab" box.
3. GTIN Tab
The GTIN is a globally unique 14-digit number used to identify items that may be priced, ordered or invoiced at any point in the supply chain and upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information. These numbers are provided by GS1, the global standards body for item identification. Companies license a unique prefix from GS1 which they can then use to create their GTINs. GTIN is also an umbrella term that refers to the entire family of UCC.EAN data structures. TAKKT Foodservices collects three types of GTIN:
- GTIN-12/UPC (UPC-A): this is a 12-digit number used primarily in North America; the 12-digit UPC is an existing form of the GTIN. This number would be assigned to the Sell Unit of Measure or the quantity in which you invoice us.
- GTIN-14 (EAN/UCC-14 or ITF-14): this is a 14-digit number used to identify trade items at various packaging levels. TAKKT Foodservices collects GTIN-14 if available at the following packaging levels:
• Inner Pack 14-digit number (+ quantity of pieces in the inner pack)
• Case Pack 14-digit number (+ quantity of inner packs in the case)
The quantity of pieces in each inner pack x quantity of inner packs in a case should equal the total number of pieces a supplier ships in a case pack.
4. MAP/MSP/In Cart Pricing Tab
MAP pricing (or minimum advertised price) is the minimum amount that a manufacturer or wholesaler recommends resellers advertise their products for. Retailers can sell a product below MAP, they just can't advertise it without risking penalties. “Advertising” and “recommends” are the key terms here.
MSP - the minimum selling price is used to prevent items from being sold with little or no margin. The minimum sell price can be defined as either a dollar amount or a percentage over base cost.
In Cart Pricing - a cart price rule applies discounts to items already added to the shopping cart, based on a set of conditions. The discount can be applied automatically as soon as the conditions are met, or when the customer enters a valid coupon code. When applied, the discount appears in the cart under the subtotal.
5. USMCA Tab
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) entered into force on July 1, 2020. The USMCA substituted the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) It is imperative that TAKKT Foodservices secure and maintain accurate information for complance.
This tab is similar to the Items Tab as it lists all the items TAKKT Foodservices purchases, but it only includes USMCA information about the item.
If the Country of Origin is the United States, then the State code must be entered in the State column.
If Country of Origin is determined to be a USMCA territory (US, Canada or Mexico) then the item is USMCA Approved and should be check-marked. Please note the system will auto-fill this column depending on what is entered in the Country of Origin field.
The information should be reviewed for accuracy and corrected, if necessary. When complete, the authorizing person’s name and title must be typed in and the green SAVE CHANGES button clicked.
USMCA Definitions
The user may press the "?" in the "Country of Origin" and "Origin Criterion" column headings and definitions will appear that can be printed.
Here also, are the definitions that may be useful.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN is the country where an item is manufactured or where the majority of its components originate. The assembly of an item in a country does not render it as originating in that same country. If Country of Origin is US, the state where the product is manufactured is also required.
ORIGIN CRITERION is the code which indicates to Customs how you determined the items’ Country of Origin. If the item does not originate in the US, Canada or Mexico, you are not required to enter a Origin Criterion.
A: Items originating 100% in the US, Canada &/or Mexico. In March 1994, “A” items were determined to be those originating from the land, sea or air. They must be in RAW FORM (ie: plants, oil, coal etc.) not in the form of a “finished product” (ie: plastic spoon, stainless steel tong, treated wood etc.)
B: Items that are determined to be originating in the US, Canada &/or Mexico, even if not all of the components of the final good are of US, Canadian &/or Mexican origin. The non-originating components cannot be more than 50% of the good and must be changed from its original form. (ie: Import a screw from Japan, shave of the threading and use it as a nail.)
C: Items that are determined to be originating in the US, Canada &/or Mexico, even if not all components of the final good are of US, Canadian &/or Mexican origin. The non-originating component(s) cannot be more than 50% of the good. However, the good does not have to change from it’s original form. Also, can be goods that originate 100% in the US, Canada &/or Mexico but are not in raw form.
The Contacts tab must be reviewed and the information confirmed. There are three Contacts listed: Main Contact (this is the person to whom the Supplier Connection information is sent), Customer Service Representative and Sales Management. Current contacts, if any, will be already be listed. Please review this information for accuracy and also complete any unfilled lines.
If the Customer Service and/or the Sales Contact is the same as the Main Contact, then click "Same as Main" and that Main Contact information will be the default information.
Please note the Main Contact is the person to whom this Supplier Connection information is sent. It is vitally important TAKKT Foodservices has the correct
contact name and their correct e-mail & mailing addresses at all times.
When complete, click the "Save Changes" button. The system will automatically send the user to the Send Tab.
When the Items, USMCA and Contacts tabs are completely finished (having clicked the “Done with Items” from the Items tab and “Reviewed and Confirmed” from the Contacts tab) the system will automatically bring the user to the FINISH tab.
Type in the name and e-mail of the person authorizing the information that is being sent to TAKKT Foodservices. This is normally the person to whom the original e-mail from TAKKT Foodservices was sent.
Comments may be entered in the Comments window.
There is opportunity here for the Supplier to revise the Terms and any Rebate or Ad Allowance programs currently in place. They may be left as “No changes to existing programs” or mark “Proposed Changes” and enter the change details in the pop up window provided.
By clicking the green Send button at the bottom, that “Authorizing Person” is approving all changes (if any) on the Items and Contacts tabs. The information will be reviewed by the Sourcing Agent and will either be
1) accepted and if this is the case, the Supplier will receive a confirmation e-mail. The information on the Supplier Connection website will then be view only status until the next catalog negotiation time period.
2) returned to the Supplier for further negotiations. The Supplier will receive an e-mail from TAKKT Foodservices that the Supplier Connection has been re-opened for them to review.
This interface provides a way for vendors to enter shipping information for open purchase orders. Having this information provided in a timely manner helps us communicate product availability to our customers.
Watch the video tutorials below and check out the FAQ to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What if I don't see the PO listed?
Only purchase orders considered open from TAKKT Foodservices's perspective are listed.
If TAKKT Foodservices considers the PO closed it will not appear on either list. TAKKT Foodservices considers a PO closed if we have received all the items we expect to receive, or if we have an invoice for a direct ship order.If you have questions about a PO, please contact the buyer by email or phone.
- Why is the purchase order still listed as" open" after I entered all the shipping information?
The "open" status is from TAKKT Foodservices's perspective. A PO is considered "open" if we have not received all the product for an order shipping to our warehouse location, or if we have not received an invoice for a direct ship order.
Once a purchase order is closed from TAKKT Foodservices's perspective, it will not appear on either the "Enter Acknowledgement" tab or the "Enter Shipping Info" tab.
- I already shipped the order. Why is the Past Due flag showing?
For a delivery coming to TAKKT Foodservices's warehouse location, the past due flag appears if the expected delivery date is in the past and we have not received the product. For a Direct Ship order, the past due flag appears if the ship date for the order is in the past and we have not received an invoice.
The PO will not appear in the list at all once we consider the PO closed. A PO is closed, from TAKKT Foodservices’s perspective, once we have received all the items, or an invoice has been received for a direct ship order.
- Why is the past due flag appearing on the "Enter Acknowledgement" tab when I have entered an expected ship date?
If any line item ship date entered on the PO is in the past, the past due flag will appear. If the expected ship date has changed to a future date, update the PO with the new ship dates and the flag will not appear.
Overview Tutorial
Enter Acknowledgment Tutorial
Enter Shipping Info Tutorial